I realized shortly after accepting a promotion and a change in title, from coordinator to manager, that I was no longer entry level; but having been entry level for less than a year I didn't quite feel like a manager. I'm aware that my tittle is somewhat inflated, and that for a long time I transitioned by doing part of my old job and part in my new job, but its hard not to feel trapped by tittles, and its even harder for the ego not to inflate and gloat...manager.
Now, almost a year into my current position, I have reached this state of 'in between" where I have left all my entry level newness behind, but have failed to really achieve management level. Yes, I do think I manage my program well, but when faced with great challenges all I want to do is play the inexperienced card and cry to mom. In addition, when presenting myself to others, I am often deemed either too experienced or too inexperienced and I don't really know where I fit.
Honestly, I wonder if there is a measurement, a clear indication that you are no longer green, but mature. Is it age? Is it experience? Is it that all of the sudden you are there, and you know that you are ripe for the taking? And what is it about the in betweeners? What happened/happens to us? Are we like the banana in the market, not quite ripe enough for you to buy, not on the stem growing maturing, but there waiting, just waiting...
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