Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More Art Please!

I have been going through a lot of transition lately. I know life is always shifting and that change is good and it allows you to grow, but I am tired of these growing pains. Right now I feel like I am reliving my awkward growth spur from middle school, when my arms and legs were longer than my torso and my tiny head was not only rocking an awful hairstyle, but was also the site of a zity face and a metal smile. Ugh! That was so painful morally and physically, but I built some strong character and a pretty good sense of humor.

What does my middle school humiliation have to do with Art? Well, that I’ve been searching to inject my life with more of it lately; that in search for meaning, comfort and some stable ground I have been seeking to experience more of those things that make me happy.

Art makes me happy. Experiencing, making, reading about and talking about art has always been food for my soul, and I need sustenance. So, in this quest to alleviate the growing pains and feed the soul, I have made it a point to go to as many "pleasurable" art events as I possibly can (I say pleasurable, because if you've ever worked in the arts, you know arts events start to feel like work and work is no fun).

So here I am, an arts enthusiast on a quest to go to at least one art event a week, which is a pretty easy self imposed task in San Francisco. In fact, I have more than one event lined up each week - yay me!


  1. hey, so when do we get to hear more about your art vs work vs life? :)

    1. Been so swamped lately that I haven't been able to write much, but more posts are coming! :)

    2. Been so swamped lately that I haven't been able to write much, but more posts are coming! :)
